Mobile Libraries Blog

The Mobile Libraries blog will be of interest to many types of planners: technology, academic, facilities, strategic. It defines itself as:
[D]evoted to documenting any and all topics relating to services provided by libraries to patrons within mobile environments. Library mobile services are defined as any and all library services that are provided via mobile technologies.
While the posts often dig deep into the technology of new hardware and functionalities, on February 6 the post was about a recent article by John Dew in The Futurist. That article requires a subscription or a $3 fee to download a PDF, but the blog author has excerpted much of it and describes it thusly:
An educator and strategic planner outlines the trends leading to a long-forecast future for colleges and universities: Global standardization of education content and accreditation, greater diversity in the student body, and more options for where, when, and how learning takes place.
Labels: academic planning, environmental scanning, facilities planning, futuring, libraries, mobile, technology planning
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