From SHEEO: Stimulus Helped But State Schools In Trouble

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SHEEO, the State Higher Education Executive Officers organization, has released its State Higher Education Finance FY2009 report. We have four pertinent links for you:
- A story about it by Eric Kelderman from The Chronicle of Higher Education, titled Enrollment Growth Amid Recession Creates Long-Term Challenges for States;
- A story about it by Jack Stripling from Inside Higher Ed, titled Fading Stimulus Saved Colleges;
- The SHEEO press release covering the report; and
- The official SHEEO web page with links to all versions of the report.
From Stripling: "As enrollments soared and state dollars dried up, the temporary fix of federal stimulus money staved off significant financial losses for higher education that are still yet to be fully realized."
From Kelderman: "[S]tates will have a harder time restoring spending on higher education after this downturn than they have in past recessions. Per-student state appropriations have generally recovered after past recessions, but the current economic situation presents greater hurdles"
Labels: financial crisis, funding, recession, resource and budget planning, SHEEO, states, stimulus
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