A Couple of Trends @ the K-12/Postsecondary Interface

Universities Go to School. Expanding missions and the charter school movement bring research institutions into the K-12 arena: "ASU has joined the growing ranks of large research institutions—Stanford; the University of California, San Diego; and The University of Chicago among them—that have extended their educational mission by creating local K-12 charter schools." (University Business)
New Approach Would Let High Schoolers Graduate Early. "In an experiment that could reshape American secondary education, high schools in eight states will introduce new courses next year, along with a battery of tests for sophomores, that will allow students who pass to get a diploma two years early and immediately enroll in community college." (The New York Times)
Regional SCUP Events! Enjoy the F2F company of your colleagues and peers at one of three SCUP regional conferences this spring:
Labels: admissions, early graduation, K-12, k-16, university schools
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