2010 Horizon Report - What Tech Is Coming & When?

For example, about gesture-based computing (4-5-year horizon) the report has this to say:
For nearly forty years, the keyboard and mouse have been the primary means to interact with computers. The Nintendo Wii in 2006 and the Apple iPhone in 2007 signaled the beginning of widespread consumer interest in — and acceptance of — interfaces based on natural human gestures. Now, new devices are appearing on the market that take advantage of motions that are easy and intuitive to make, allowing us an unprecedented level of control over the devices around us. Cameras and sensors pick up the movements of our bodies without the need of remotes or handheld tracking tools. The full realization of the potential of gesture-based computing is still several years away, especially for education; but we are moving ever closer to a time when our gestures will speak for us, even to our machines.
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Labels: EDUCAUSE, environmental scanning, Horizon Report, information technology, it, New Media Consortium
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