Results of Survey of SCUP Members Regarding Social Media Use
SCUP has recently concluded a survey of its members with regard to their use of social media. A number of respondents expressed an interest in the results, so we're sharing them here, via the graphic image below. A total of 1,143 SCUPers completed the survey. In "public" social media, btw, SCUP currently has a presence in these places:
- A Facebook page;
- A LinkedIn Group;
- A Twitter stream @SCUPNews.
If you have an account on any of those venues, please consider Following SCUP on Twitter, Joining SCUP on LinkedIn, or becoming a Fan on Facebook. Each of these places are opportunities to network and collaborate with colleagues virtually. (Just set your privacy settings wisely, easy to do.) Each is also a uniquely different way to understand SCUP's "activity stream."
More Than 2/3 of SCUP Members
Have at Last One "Public" Social Media Account

* Your blogger was astonished that 14 percent of SCUP members had Twitter accounts. Please, everyone, "follow" us @SCUPNews!
Nearly Half Use Social Media Only for Personal Purposes
Spend Only One Hour or Less a Week Using Social Media
Here is a summary of the survey results. If you click on the image you should be able to view a larger one.

Labels: SCUP, social media, survey
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