The 6 Principles of Facilities Stewardship

[I]n the words of Teddy Roosevelt, the buildings and grounds of an in- stitution must be treated “as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased; and not impaired in value.”The notion of value can, and should, mean financial value. But, value has a broader implication, which includes the value an institution ascribes to its tradi- tions, to the protection of its symbolic features, and to the continued utility of its structural components. Ideally, a statement proclaiming stewardship principles should form the grounding for a comprehensive facilities plan or master plan. Also ideally, facilities stewardship should reflect a broad responsibility of govern- ing board members and senior leaders—in addition to the president or chancellor. Today, as the average tenure of a president/chancellor is less than seven years, their decisions must be part of a lengthy, continuous stewardship process—pro- tected because it is an indispensable, shared responsibility.
Labels: appa, capital development, facilities planning
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