The Future of Learning: 12 Views on Emerging Trends in Higher Education

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Citation: William J. Flynn and Jeff Vredevoogd. 2010. The Future of Learning: 12 Views on Emerging Trends in Higher Education. Planning for Higher Education. 38(2): 5–10.
Abstract: In 2009, Herman Miller, Inc., a Zeeland, Michigan-based furniture manufacturer, convened a leadership roundtable intended to identify trends that would affect higher education in the year 2015. Representatives from research universities, state colleges, community colleges, private institutions, and architectural and design firms participated in the roundtable discussion and, from a series of exercises, determined a list of 12 future trends. Among those trends, the roundtable concluded that globalization will influence and shape all aspects of teaching and learning. Plus, advancements in technology will drive ongoing changes throughout college and university life and offer new opportunities to enhance and broaden learning experiences. Students will take greater control of their own learning as proactive producers and managers of their own learning solutions, materials, and portfolios. Roundtable participants also concluded that the competition for students and resources will force colleges and universities to sharpen their brands and identities and to distinguish themselves in new ways. Lastly, accountability and assessment tools will continue to become common in defining institutional effectiveness. In conclusion, it is important for colleges and universities to be aware of future trends in higher education so that they can provide students and faculty with a strong, resilient, and vibrant academy for generations to come.
Labels: environmental scanning, futuring, trends
Technology will not be the leader in the future, as predicted by the authors. As it becomes more ubiquitous, it will transform into a commodity, like electricity or the railroad (how many VPs of Electricity are still around today?). The fact is that technology is or will become so prevalent that there will be no competitive advantage to having it lead - ideas are innovative, not the technology.
Technology has great potential and will be a powerful force, but it will do a much better job of following than leading.
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