Get Planning: Share A Trifecta of Federal Burdens Will Affect Student Loans Sooner Than You Think
Oh, no! You won't be getting a printed SCUP–45 Preliminary Program in the mail this year. Instead, SCUP is going green and regularly updating this digital version (PDF), which you can download at any time.
Check it out! You don't want to miss higher education's premier planning conference, and your one chance this year to assemble with nearly 1,500 of your peers and colleagues: July 10–14, Minneapolis.
SCUP's Planning Institute: Enjoy the F2F company of your colleagues and peers while you engage in one of the three SCUP Planning Institute Steps. In addition to being offered on demand, on campuses to teams of campus leaders, the institute steps are also offered to all professionals at varying times and venues. Currently scheduled are:
Check it out! You don't want to miss higher education's premier planning conference, and your one chance this year to assemble with nearly 1,500 of your peers and colleagues: July 10–14, Minneapolis.
Better get started planning, quickly, for added federal compliance measures and liability concerns regarding student loans: Lots of issues to address.
When the new CDR formula is implemented, campuses may face a no-win situation. Even if federal sanctions are avoided, the campus may be pummeled by public opinion. Cohort default rates are published in the media nationwide. The public lacks a precise understanding of CDRs, and they may make snap judgments about institutional quality from default rates. Missing from the factual picture may be the number of students who actually borrow, the dollar amount of loans in default, or how one campus compares to a similar institution serving similar students . . .
Schools must also tread carefully on the origination side of student loans as they help borrowers obtain federal and private student loans. New regulations go into effect on July 1st, and many schools are questioning how much – if any – assistance they should provide to students trying to choose a student loan that works best for them. Investigations by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo led to new federal and state laws that increase disclosures to students and place strict restrictions on how schools help borrowers find and choose lenders . . .
The burden of compliance completes a trifecta of institutional liability. Schools that try to save money by shortchanging compliance could be leaving themselves and their students open to major disruptions in financial aid. Using financial aid as the carrot, the government regulates everything from student housing to campus safety. The safety regulations even define the term “fire.” (Any instance of open flame or other burning not intended to contain the burning or in an uncontrolled manner.”)
SCUP's Planning Institute: Enjoy the F2F company of your colleagues and peers while you engage in one of the three SCUP Planning Institute Steps. In addition to being offered on demand, on campuses to teams of campus leaders, the institute steps are also offered to all professionals at varying times and venues. Currently scheduled are:
- May 22–23, Ann Arbor, MI - Step I
- July 10, Minneapolis, MN - Step I (in conjunction with SCUP–45)
- October 2, Ann Arbor, MI - Step I
- January 21–22, Tuscon, AZ - Step II and Step III
Labels: compliance, federal policy, student loans
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