Ann Arbor - Planning Institute Step I - March 27

This is a single day workshop, starting at 8 am with breakfast available at 7:30, including lunch and snack breaks, and ending promptly at 5 pm.. Completion of Step I is required in order to advance to Steps II and II of the institute. SCUP headquarters is less than a mile off the State Street Road exit for I-94.
Planning is about developing an explicit way for making choices. An effective planning process focuses the campus, and the various constituencies and players, on what the choices are and how to make them in an integrated way. Choices made in this way include careful consideration of the real costs and a commitment to allocate the necessary resources to bring them to fruition. What integrated planning truly fosters is a culture of planning that allows institutions to be nimble enough to respond to unanticipated threats and opportunities.
Participants in the initial workshop in the series of three use SCUP’s Walnut College case study to apply the basic elements of integrated planning. The value of evidence-based planning is emphasized, as is the central place that the academic mission holds in focusing and driving campus decisions. Integrated planning promotes institutional distinctiveness that is sustainable. Find out more!
Four key questions drive planning and the discussions in this workshop:
- Whom do we wish to serve?
- What programs and services will reinforce our distinctive image?
- How do we want to be perceived?
- How will we know we are succeeding?
Labels: integrated planning, planning, SCUP Planning Institute, step 1, workshops
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