'Saddest Cubicle' Winner Is On a University Campus
We knew lots of SCUPers would be interested in the unaesthetic, effective use of campus office space, so we're sharing Wired News' "Saddest -Cubicles" contest results. We talked to the winner, David Gunnells of the University of Alabama. He says that his department's space is in line soon for renovation and they all kind of hope this award speeds things up. (The image is David's, by the way, and used with his permission.)
"The winner -- if you can call it winning -- of the Wired News' saddest-cubicles contest is David Gunnells, an IT guy at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. His desk is penned in by heavily used filing cabinets in a windowless conference room, near a poorly ventilated bathroom and a microwave. The overhead light doesn't work -- his mother-in-law was so saddened by his cube that she gave him a lamp -- and the other side of the wall is a parking garage. Gunnells recalls a day when one co-worker reheated catfish in the microwave, while another used the bathroom and covered the smell with a stinky air freshener. Lovely."
Labels: facilities, interior design, managing space
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